Virtual coaching Activities for Rehabilitation in Elderly

The vCare project develops and investigates a Virtual Coaching solution encapsulating a set of coaching services for empowering and motivating people, helping them to proceed with a personalized rehabilitation by means of a virtual avatar.

vCare monitors the patients’ daily activities, conditions, and habits to provide personalised feedback to recover the Quality of Life thanks to coaching programmes initialised by specialists in a well-elaborated clinical pathway as a tailored rehabilitation plan.

According to this plan, vCare enables the personalization of the intensity and way of interaction and will trigger suitable exercises (serious games, cognitive training programs, etc.), suggestions and feedback driven by smart-home sensors (replacing the eyes of a human caregiver) or sensors for vital data, the avatar itself (replacing the caregiver’s face and interaction possibility) or the machine learning and reasoning (replacing the human’s assessment abilities) but also based on patient preferences. The project mission is to utilize the virtual coach in terms of the virtual avatar as communication mean for the patient.

