
Andrea Serino

Professor University Hospital of Lausanne, Director Neurorehab Research Center and MySpace Lab (CH)

Brona Fullen

Associate professor at UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science, Dublin (IE)

Claudio de’Sperati

Associate Professor of Psychophysiology, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan (IT)

Corinne Ammann

Physical therapist & Researcher, University Children's Hospital Zurich (CH)

Dan Harvie

Pain Scientist and Lecturer in Physiotherapy at the University of South Australia

David Murphy

Lecturer at the School of Computer Science & IT, University College Cork

Eoghan O’Riain

Research Support Officer and Virtual Reality Developer, University College Cork (IE)

Fenne Verhoeven

Associate professor at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences (NL)

Gearóid Reilly

Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Tilburg University (NL)

Harry van Goor

Professor of Surgical Education, Radboudumc, Nijmegen (NL)

Iris Brunner

Senior researcher and associate professor at Hammel Neurocenter, Aarhus University (DK)

Joris Knoben

Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Tilburg University (NL)

Josien Kosse

Physical therapist, Vogellanden (NL)

Judith de Wilde

Lawyer at Axon Lawyers in Amsterdam

Marco Woesthuis

CEO Open HealthHub, Utrecht (NL)

Mariëlle Zwaga

Lean manager, Vogellanden (NL)

Omar Al-Janabi

Head of Business Development and impact, Durham University, United Kingdom

Paul Iske

Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Tilburg University (NL)

Remco Hoogendijk

Innovation Manager Sint Maartenskliniek

Ryan Douglas

Co-Founder, Deepwell, NeuFluent / Founder, Nextern

Sara Arlati

Associate professor at UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science, Dublin (IE)

Simon Reif

head of the Health Care Markets and Health Policy research group at ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research in Mannheim

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