Immersive Rehab provides a personalised, engaging and clinically-validated digital therapeutics solution in virtual reality to tackle the current limitations of neurorehabilitation, in particular for people with significant upper limb mobility limitations as a result of stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS), ALS/motor neuron disease and spinal injury. Research has shown that retraining the brain can lead to important gains in mobility. By combining physical rehab with cognitive challenges, it is possible to obtain important gains in mobility and function. We propose that Immersive Rehab’s digital therapeutics neurorehabilitation solution can impact this significantly.

As mentioned, our current target groups are people with upper limb mobility limitations and poor fine motor function, in particular as a result of stroke, MS, ALS, and spinal injury. These patients will be able to perform neurorehabilitation exercises by interacting with virtual 3D objects, something often not achievable in the real world.

We work closely with clinicians, therapists, and patients during our development process, and are currently going through more clinical validation studies to ensure our solution provides the greatest value to our clinical partners and their patients.

Following a long physical & neurorehabilitation period our Founder & CEO – Dr. Isabel Van De Keere – went through herself due to a work accident in 2010, she decided to start Immersive Rehab. Isabel’s mission with Immersive Rehab is to create digital therapies for neurorehabilitation in virtual reality with the aim to improve patient recovery, reduce referral times, to make rehab fun and engaging, and to have overall better patient outcomes and patient assessments.


Immersive Rehab