You can submit your abstract until the deadline of 15 February 2025 (23.59 CET).
– Abstract summaries should have no more than 3,000 characters, including spaces, with the following sections: background, methodology, results, and conclusion.
– Submissions should describe original and unpublished work with substantial results or novel methods or techniques.
– All submissions should also include the title, names of all the authors, affiliations & e-mail addresses. *Authors will be listed in the Program and Abstract Book in the order they are entered in the system.
– You may include ONE image, figure, chart, or table.
– Presenting authors must be registered participants.
– All papers must be submitted and presented in English.
Posters and Orals: Potential presenters will be accepted based on a peer-review of the submitted abstract. You will have the option to submit your abstract to be considered for a poster or oral presentation.
Research, Practice or Techical Development: Submitted abstracts can either be original research, innovative practice or technical development.