Meet COVID-FATIGUE-LAB one of the 9 teams who won the first phase of VR4REHAB Covid Rehab and advanced to the next phase the Dev Jams.

From 17 to 21 May 2021 18 teams and 10 individuals from 9 countries, competed in the VR4REHAB hackathon, with one common goal: invent Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) solutions for Long Covid rehabilitation.

The aim of COVID-FATIGUE-LAB is to support Long Covid patients with fatigue with relaxation strategies and behaviour therapy.

The team consists of Birgit Jantsch, Marcel Zimmermann and Jens Epe.

A digital and interactive XR proposal for Long Covid Patients

The COVID-FATIGUE-LAB Team is investigating how can digital and virtual tools support the Long Covid Fatigue therapy. The aim is to develop an all-in-one Solution for fatigue control.



Jens Epe

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